Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ababu Namwamba of the Grand Opposition

This afternoon in Kenya, I started to see something of Ababu Namwamba's idea of mounting a Grand Opposition to the government. He fought so hard for the post of Leader of the Official Opposition - despite his party being squarely in government.

Yesterday, a leaflet was being tossed about the globe bearing the names of the Maize Mafia - in other words the gang that together or acting alone had ensured that the country lost its strategic food reserves to the high paying Sudanese. On that list was Ababu Namwamba and others.

I was surprised and wanted to dismiss it as mere propaganda - the is plenty to go around both earth and Mars! In fact I had written off the piece of paper entirely. Even if Bonny Khalwale - who always reminds me of Chief Nanga of 'A Man of the People' fame - had harngued the House a little more, I still would have dismissed the paper as nothing short of an attempt at becoming a neo Joseph Goebbels. That lasted until Ababu Namwamba stood up in the House to name the First Lady.

I have no idea what Lucy has been to nor am I particularly bothered. Lucy is a lady struggling with a lot. She has put up a spirited struggle in the face of heavy odds. It is no secret in Kenya that Lucy has a challenge. She has borne it with great courage and determination. Where many people would have given up and resorted to heavy medication and institutionalization, Lucy has remained visible whenever possible. She has in a way given a face to a problem Kenyans have difficulty in dealing with.

I have great difficulty believing or imagining Lucy would buy and sell maize in Sudan. At best, somebody has used her name to set up a company which has acquired a life of its own. Ababu Namwamba should know this. In fact I belive he knew this quite well before he got on his feet to utter his accusations.

Having said that, two wrongs make no right. What he may have succeeded in doing is simple - he has given Kenyans a list of those involved in the maize scam with him. His crimes against the people are in no way ameliorated by the mention of Lucy's name. He has stooped lower than the low by naming Lucy. A man who aspires to respectability and bears the title "Honourable" before his name, must also adhere to honour. I know of only one group of people among whom honour is unknown. Yes you got it right - highway men and cut-throats.

Now we know his quest for the title of "Leader of the Official Grand Opposition" was a selfish grab for the perks that go with that office no altruism whatever. What a shame!

Sunkuli in China

I have it upon impeccable authority that former internal security minister under Daniel Arap Moi - Julius Sunkuli - advocate of the High Court - is the new face of Kenya in China. He joins Kibaki and Obama in being addressed as "His Excellency".

What has Sunkuli excelled in?

Yes, he was a magistrate in Kericho for a long time. I cannot claim to have read or heard of any trend-setting judgement by him while on that bench. So he must have excelled elsewhere.

Then he became a member of parliament. Yes, here he may have scored a first. He was the first MP to actually represent a district. His constituency was the same size and shape as the district. For those unaware of Kenyan administrative norms, a district in those days would be composed of many divisions (themselves composed of locations headed by chiefs and sub-locations headed by sub-chiefs). A division was headed by a division officer while a district would have both a district officer and a district commissioner. All this was the creative work of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga (see Not Yet Uhuru for a full confession from him). Sunkuli therefore was an MP with a DC, DO and DO. No other MP can take that way from him.

As minister for internal security, Sunkuli did not excel in anything. He came off as vain and rather power hungry. He lacked the calm and calculating image of GG Kariuki; the power and clout of Charles Njonjo or the determination and focus of Justus Ole Tipis. He certainly could not match the independence of Burudi Nabwera to name just a few of the past holders of that office.

It was however the death of Father Keiser and the Papa Dennis affair that brought Sunkuli to the fore.

The question of father Keiser shall be left for another day. For the record, Sunkuli has denied any involvement whatsoever and the FBI has declared the late Keiser a suicidal maniac. I have disagreed with that opinion most strongly.

On the Papa Dennis affair however I have some questions!

Was not mama Dennis under age by the time she conceived? If so, what does the law say about statutory rape? If he were in the US or Europe, would not his name end up in some register? Are his neighbours in China going to be warned that His Excellency the Child Molester lives in the neighbourhood?

Kenya can do better

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What I actually Wrote....

At the height of the brief civil war in Kenya in 2007, I was a very angry person. On January the 13th, 2008, I responded to what I still think was pure pro Kibaki propaganda. It was a goebbelsian piece spiced with half truths and blatant lies. I sought to refute it.

Well, my posting at RCB has become viral and has been edited and re-edited to suit varying interests. I am therefore reposting it here as it was. Please diregard other versions.

Here we go:


Please produce any evidence of this stupid propaganda. Raila in his evidence simply stated that he was aware that Njonjo was plotting a coup and nothing else. He testified that while being interrogated he stated the same to police commissioner Ben Gethi who tore the statement and forbade him from pursuing that line.

Consider these inconsistencies:

1. Kibaki promised to run for one term: He denied it two days after being elected and guess what he ran again and lost

2. New Constitution in 100 days: He is now opposed even to the mildest change of the current constitution

3. Promised to hand over power if he loses: Guess who is trying to hang on to power by force even at the expense of civil war

Kibaki is his quest for power lent his support to Moi. In 1978 when Jeremiah Nyagah, Paul Ngei and Jackson Angaine planned to stand for Presidential elections, Kibaki hurriedly convened a cabinet meeting and got all ministers to support Moi. This he hoped Moi would reward by naming him successor. He was made VP but nothing else.

On buying parties: Kibaki did not form DP, NARC, NARC Kenya or PNU. He seized all these parties except NARC which Ngilu steadfastly refused to hand over despite being offered to be bought, induced, threatened and even imprisoned. All this so that Kibaki can be at the helm. He has now crowned this megalomania in front of the entire world by stealing an election. FYI DP was formed by John Keen with money from Njenga Karume.

On Joining LDP: Raila was the main force behind the Rainbow coalition which incidentally included Saitoti and Kamotho. He was among the founding members of LDP which had been secretly registered to prevent Moi’s inteference. Compare this with Kibaki joining KAU, KANU, DP, NARC, NARC Kenya and now PNU. I guess that makes it one party more than Raila. Talk of party hopping!

I am sure the whole world has seen Kalonzo’s “popularity” which stood at 9% (a shame even by the discredited ECK standards). May be you believe your own lies when you re-write history casting Kalonzo - a party thief - as a popular democrat.

Correction: The MoU with muslims has been publicly disclosed. If you dared venture out of your cave for a shower and dental care, you might actually read a copy. The only people who will cause religious problems is your lot who see trouble where there is none.

Please address the MoU that Kibaki signed with the same muslims in 2002 or shut up. State how it was OK in 2002 but wrong five years later. Is it because in 2002 it was your tribesman and in 2007 it is a Luo? Do you base your judgement on a person’’s tribe?

Nahashon Njenga Njoroge

This man who allegedly shot and killed Tom Mboya and was reported to have been hanged in secret at Kamiti Maximum Security prison appears to have ressurected and moved to live in Likoni for many years before he was killed (for real) by the so called "raiders" during the 1997 civil war at the coast of Kenya.

When I went down to check the story, I came over a bar cum residence which is supposed to be the late Njenga's. I could not trace his grave. You can be sure this isn't the last word.

Kibaki Stole the 2007 Election in Kenya

And Raila helped him to keep the loot.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


In 2002 while in Nairobi and seeing Moi trying to use Mungiki to support Uhuru, I got in to trying to find out more about Mungiki.

Several meetings with journalists, reporters and policemen, I quickly reached the conclusion Mungiki was an over glorified gang of chicken rustlers injected with low-level politics of survival. Mungiki appears to have emerged to fill an existing vacuum for hitmen, trouble-makers and other hired gangs needed by corrupt politicians.

The members lack any kind of ideology, value or serious issues. Violence is both a means and an end. For example they have to remain violent and publicly so to attract handouts from politicians.

I found that both KANU (the ruling) and others had at some point bankrolled Mungiki. There are also several Mungiki's most set up for the convenience of securing funds from willing politicians.

I am however convinced that the menace will be wiped out easily as the police, military intelligence, Special Branch, GSU, regular police etc can simply not stand Mungiki and have at times launched suo moto expeditions against them.

Letter to Justice Gicheru

Dear Justice Gicheru

I refer to your comments in the [url=]Standard[/url] in which you have attempted to defend the judiciary - which you head - from accusations levelled at it "by politicians". It is your defence I seek to discuss.

You point at what you consider "hypocrisy" on the part of politicians and cite among other things the fact that some of these critics have filed petitions and responses to election challenges filed against them by their opponents in the recently bungled election. I must assume you are referring to the decision by Raila Odinga to file a response to what I consider a frivolous election petition filed by a Mr. Stanley Livondo also known as "Mr. Money Bags".

At no time did Raila deny that you have the power to pass judgements including allowing non-contested election petitions. Your colleagues have done the same in the past as has been pointed out, all bad judgements may be repeated with increasing "legality". So your power to pass judgements whether fair or not, was not, has never been and is not under question. What has been questioned is your impartiality.

Any man who feels you are inclined to judge in his disfavour, and desiring to hold on to the status quo for as long as possible, will nevertheless offer a defence against whatever charges brought against him - even if only to delay what he might assume to be inevitable. Yet nowhere does filing such a defence against a process that is suspect imply legitimatizing a crooked sysstem. Are you suggesting that you would not have acted adversely against Raila if he had failed to enter a defence in the Livondo petition? Would you have told Livondo to hold his peace while you sought Raila to give his side of the story and failing to get him told Livondo to go away as you could not possibly pass a judgement against an unheard man? Not likely. You are, in my opinion fudging facts. You are measuring height and weight with the thermometer.

Please enlighten Kenyans on how the police came to be involved in the serving of summons on behalf of private citizens - which Stanley Livondo is? When did the courts under you dispense with bailifs and Process Servers whose job it is to deliver summons to defendants in civil matters? Was your judiciary lending itself to be used by the Kibaki government? How do you expect Raila or any keen observer to see your courts as impartial when such breaches are not only tolerated but ignored?

You have protested your impartiality by your criticism of those suggesting otherwise. Mr. Hon Chief Justice I have to ask you to respond to the remarks attributed to the Chairman of the Electoral Commission, Senior Counsel Samuel Kivuitu. Recounting the events of 30th December 2007, he states that he arrived at State House minutes after announcing the disputed results and found you waiting to swear in Mwai Kibaki as President. When did you know Kibaki had "won"? He also stated that armed policemen were sent to collect the Presidential Election Certificate to be delivered to you at state house. Were you part of the group that so dispatched these armed men to a holder of a constitutional office? If you were not, what is your reaction to the adverse implications of Kivuitu's statement?

As the Chief Justice of Kenya, what steps have you taken to resolve the election dispute that is threatening to tear this country apart? What has prevented you from taking suo motto notice of the electoral dispute summoning the concerned parties and making a ruling? Is it because you agree with the status quo?

I would also like to get your response on the following:

1. How do you select the judge or judges to hear a given case? Is it true that you do not use a blind method of selection such as drawing lots but instead single-handedly decide which judge will hear which case? If so, has it occurred to you that some Kenyans might find that suspicious? Why has a lottery system not been applied especially in matters of national interest such as presidential elections?

2. Who appoints judges? Would you like to explain why judges appointed and ready to be sworn in are still not judges? Is it true that Martha Karua objected to their appointment?

3. Has it ever occurred to you that more than half of the entire judiciary are GEMA tribesmen?
I note and share your concern that politicians have over the last 5 years openly disobeyed court orders. What have you as Chief Justice with powers to deprive any citizen of freedom if found in contempt of lawful court orders done about it? Have you ever summoned any of the politicians and dressed him/ her down? Is it not true that what you are using the word "politicians" as both obfuscation and subterfuge instead of specifying the offenders as Kibaki's ministers and senior government officials?