Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ababu Namwamba of the Grand Opposition

This afternoon in Kenya, I started to see something of Ababu Namwamba's idea of mounting a Grand Opposition to the government. He fought so hard for the post of Leader of the Official Opposition - despite his party being squarely in government.

Yesterday, a leaflet was being tossed about the globe bearing the names of the Maize Mafia - in other words the gang that together or acting alone had ensured that the country lost its strategic food reserves to the high paying Sudanese. On that list was Ababu Namwamba and others.

I was surprised and wanted to dismiss it as mere propaganda - the is plenty to go around both earth and Mars! In fact I had written off the piece of paper entirely. Even if Bonny Khalwale - who always reminds me of Chief Nanga of 'A Man of the People' fame - had harngued the House a little more, I still would have dismissed the paper as nothing short of an attempt at becoming a neo Joseph Goebbels. That lasted until Ababu Namwamba stood up in the House to name the First Lady.

I have no idea what Lucy has been to nor am I particularly bothered. Lucy is a lady struggling with a lot. She has put up a spirited struggle in the face of heavy odds. It is no secret in Kenya that Lucy has a challenge. She has borne it with great courage and determination. Where many people would have given up and resorted to heavy medication and institutionalization, Lucy has remained visible whenever possible. She has in a way given a face to a problem Kenyans have difficulty in dealing with.

I have great difficulty believing or imagining Lucy would buy and sell maize in Sudan. At best, somebody has used her name to set up a company which has acquired a life of its own. Ababu Namwamba should know this. In fact I belive he knew this quite well before he got on his feet to utter his accusations.

Having said that, two wrongs make no right. What he may have succeeded in doing is simple - he has given Kenyans a list of those involved in the maize scam with him. His crimes against the people are in no way ameliorated by the mention of Lucy's name. He has stooped lower than the low by naming Lucy. A man who aspires to respectability and bears the title "Honourable" before his name, must also adhere to honour. I know of only one group of people among whom honour is unknown. Yes you got it right - highway men and cut-throats.

Now we know his quest for the title of "Leader of the Official Grand Opposition" was a selfish grab for the perks that go with that office no altruism whatever. What a shame!

Sunkuli in China

I have it upon impeccable authority that former internal security minister under Daniel Arap Moi - Julius Sunkuli - advocate of the High Court - is the new face of Kenya in China. He joins Kibaki and Obama in being addressed as "His Excellency".

What has Sunkuli excelled in?

Yes, he was a magistrate in Kericho for a long time. I cannot claim to have read or heard of any trend-setting judgement by him while on that bench. So he must have excelled elsewhere.

Then he became a member of parliament. Yes, here he may have scored a first. He was the first MP to actually represent a district. His constituency was the same size and shape as the district. For those unaware of Kenyan administrative norms, a district in those days would be composed of many divisions (themselves composed of locations headed by chiefs and sub-locations headed by sub-chiefs). A division was headed by a division officer while a district would have both a district officer and a district commissioner. All this was the creative work of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga (see Not Yet Uhuru for a full confession from him). Sunkuli therefore was an MP with a DC, DO and DO. No other MP can take that way from him.

As minister for internal security, Sunkuli did not excel in anything. He came off as vain and rather power hungry. He lacked the calm and calculating image of GG Kariuki; the power and clout of Charles Njonjo or the determination and focus of Justus Ole Tipis. He certainly could not match the independence of Burudi Nabwera to name just a few of the past holders of that office.

It was however the death of Father Keiser and the Papa Dennis affair that brought Sunkuli to the fore.

The question of father Keiser shall be left for another day. For the record, Sunkuli has denied any involvement whatsoever and the FBI has declared the late Keiser a suicidal maniac. I have disagreed with that opinion most strongly.

On the Papa Dennis affair however I have some questions!

Was not mama Dennis under age by the time she conceived? If so, what does the law say about statutory rape? If he were in the US or Europe, would not his name end up in some register? Are his neighbours in China going to be warned that His Excellency the Child Molester lives in the neighbourhood?

Kenya can do better