Monday, July 13, 2009

Arrow in the Thigh Man

I don't have the man's account number. If you do, let me also know. I'd like to contribute

A doctor who needs to learn some PR. Reminds of Dr. Kaviti to who a judge on behalf of all his 'patients' expressed gratitude that they only consulted him in death.

How Do You Quell A Riot

I saw this topic on my way out of RCB.

I assume the writer was saying something else like if a government is going to get indicted by the ICC for quelling a riot how then may that government legally snuff out a riot without attracting a warrant of arrest?

I found this : for Mr. Fix it.

He might want to read about the various definitions of riots. He should pay great attention to the meaning of 'Police Riot'.

Note also that the establishment likes to use the word 'riot' and not for nothing. 'Riot' is a an offence for which clearly spelt out sentences exist in all countries. Organizers of such gatherings on the other hand like to use the word 'protest'. Again this is not for nothing either. Protesters are a protected lot by law.

So usually the government would first convert any peaceful protest in to a riot then feel 'justified' to quash it. However since this tactic is now known, it constitutes an offence to give orders to attack peaceful protesters.

The ICC and Rich Countries

A RCB netter wrote:

Topic: "Kwani Hague ni nini?"

Who can forget Ruto's smirk when he contemptuously wondered "Kwani Hague ni nini?"Now that Waki Envelope is with Ocampo, Ruto seem to be ranting like a mad dog. He wants people to sympathize with murderers on the premise that they were protesting a 'stolen election!' I think its only in Kale-land where words murder and protest are synonymous.

As an African i am suspicious of ICC intentions. For one, the ICC seem to have indicted Africans ONLY (and a few Serbs) while other like George Bush and Tony Blair get away with so much. But then it was Robin Cook (British FM) who actually said that ICC is not designed to make President of USA or British PM accountable. The ICC normally is used by the global powers to punish and reward lesser nationals.

Having said that, i say that as an African we have brought this situation on ourselves. Take Kenya for instance. Since 1991/92 to the Present some people have been committing murders, rape, evictions with unparalleled impunity. No one has ever been prosecuted even where the warlords make public statements encourage mayhem. In such an scenario, i wonder what being "patriotic" and "sovereign" is all about. If being sovereign and patriotic is to let warlords get away with all sorts of evil, then i want nothing to do with "sovereign" and "patriot".

If ICC can just indict and arrest just THREE Kenyan warlords, then their foot-soldiers, hanger-ons and other warlords wannabe will think twice before undertaking such mayhem again. Thus, welcome O'Campo & Co. to end impunity."

The Crimes Against Humanity List

There are two sides to this issue: PNU and ODM.

The PNU view is that Kibaki won the elections fairly and then Raila incited people against him and his people the Kikuyu. For evidence PNU cites the many IDPs and deaths of Kikuyus in Rift Valley.

ODM on the other hand says Kibaki knew he was going to lose the election just as he had lost the referendum. He decided to avoid defeat at all costs even if it meant people dying. So he started planning how to rigg elections and how to beat any protests against him. In this he was assisted by instruments of state terror such as police, GSU and the APs.

But first to the list

Everybody including the government of Kenya is speculating on who is and who is not on the Crimes Against Humanity List composed by the Waki Commission on Post Election Violence. Here is Tingisa's list:

  1. Emilio Mwai Kibaki - Duly Elected President of Kenya
  2. Raila Amolo Odinga - Duly Appointed Prime Minister of Kenya
  3. John Njoroge Michuki - Duly Appointed Minister
  4. George Saitoti
  5. Uhuru Kenyatta
  6. Brigadier Ali - Police Commissioner
  7. GSU Commandant
  8. Stanley Murage
  9. William Ruto
  10. Frankline Bett

Of these people, Ruto will be the first to be sent to The Hague. That is because the perception in the public mind created by Moi and sons as pay back for beating them on their own home front is that everyone believes he is guilty of something. However Ruto will also be the first to return from The Hague triumphantly.

Of the remaining lot, no charges will be preferred against Raila, Uhuru and Bett. They will however never get a clean bill of health from the ICC. By that their international reputation will forever suffer from blemish. However Kibaki, Ali, Stanley Murage and this GSU commandant may be a long time in The Hague.